Many times at the beginning of a new year, we make resolutions that we will be better versions of ourselves. More of the good, less of the bad. Sometimes there are specific goals and timelines and other times we are just lucky to be making it through the day. Quite a few years, my pastor and dear friend suggested that perhaps picking a word that could guide my thoughts throughout the entire year would be a more productive way for me to approach my desire to be a better version of myself.
That year I picked the word simplify. And it was life-changing.
Not in a lightning bolt kind of way, but in a daily way of seeing decisions through the lens of my word. If I truly wanted to simplify my life, was it good to say yes to that opportunity? Was it helpful to add a layer of complication to the already full calendar? What were some easy ways to say no to busy so I could say yes to simple?
Over time, it made life more simple. And at the end of two years, I had a firm grasp on how to set clear boundaries and make the most important things the priority and allowed the rest to fall away. I knew how to simplify!
It was that process that made room for me to say yes to being on the radio at KTSY–but that’s a story for a different time!
This year, I wanted to find a word but it wasn’t coming to me easily. I prayed about it, and we talked together on the radio about it. You had some fabulous ideas and some amazing stories to share about how impactful your word was in your life.
It took a while, but I finally landed on a word this year and I pray it will shape my life in as positive of a way as that first word did. TBD.
Have you ever picked a word? I’d love to hear about it! You can call or text Mon-Fri 5-10am in the studio or reach out on Facebook or Instagram. Until we get to connect, know that I believe in you. You totally have what it takes to do whatever is in front of you today whether that is keeping a resolution, picking a word, or just getting through the day! You’ve got this!