If you’re like me, you listen to most newscasts or scroll the local headlines and a cry starts welling up in you. Tell Me Something GOOD!! Because good, balanced and uplifting stuff doesn’t really sell. We have gotten into a negative pattern in our culture of bad news driving bad news. KTSY is creating a culture of HOPE where we support your wellbeing and empower you to make a difference towards a better future. Not sometime in the future, but NOW! Every morning at 6:10 and 8:10, you can depend on hearing something GOOD! A story of someone doing a simple kindness for someone else, folks getting creative and meeting needs in others, which ends up meeting a deep need inside yourself.
This week, we heard stories of foster care advocacy, a woman who has visited all 193 countries in the world and the commitment it took to make that dream come true, a bus driver who helped a kid out who wanted to participate in pajama day at school, some friends who founded an organization to help finish yarn projects for grieving families, and a teacher who is so deeply in community with her school that she had her wedding at the school.
These are all just examples of people who are doing something GOOD! There is a lot of good happening in your life as well. Maybe nobody is telling your story, but the impact that you are making on the people around you has eternal effects. Hang in there and keep doing the good you would like to see in the world.
You’ve got this!