Ultimate connection is when the fruit of the spirit grows naturally in you and out of you because of your connection to God. And we all need to get to ultimate connection.
You may be new to this term, fruit of the Spirit. The Fruit of the Spirit is found in Galatians 5:22-23. When you are in ultimate connection, the fruit of the spirit just naturally grows out of you. You don’t even have to try. It just happens. This list gives us a way of taking inventory of ourselves to say, “How connected am I truly?” Here is the list:
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control against such things there is no law.
So when we’re in ultimate connection these things, the fruit of the Spirit, will grow in you without you even trying. You’re not going to need a self-help book. You’re not going to need a guru to come and teach you how to be patient, how to be kind, how to be loving. Not that those things are bad and that they can’t help, but when you’re in ultimate connection it just happens.
Now I’m taking inventory of my life as I read this list. And I’m realizing that one of these is not working so well in my life right now: self-control. It’s been tough lately. I don’t know why. Well, I do know why now after thinking about it. My self-control, especially in the area of of eating and nutrition, is struggling. Not long ago it was National Donut Day. And boy, oh, boy, was self-control not good. It doesn’t help when you go when you go visit somebody and they welcome you with a plate of three of the gooiest, yummiest, choclatiest peanut-butteriest donuts you’ve ever seen. When did donuts get so big, guys? What happened? Everything seems to get bigger.
I’ve been using the tools I’ve learned over time, like, talk yourself out of it, avoid this, avoid that. But could the problem be that my connection is not strong enough for my self control to be ignited? And that’s what I’m starting to understand about God. Maybe the solution isn’t trying to grit it out more. Maybe the solution is to be more connected to God so that self control will be present in my life when I need it.
To hear Chaplain Milton share more on this topic click this link: https://youtube.com/live/kR84ou9wIg8