There was a man named Micah who lived in the hill country of Ephraim. One day he said to his mother, I heard you place a curse on the person who stole 1100 pieces of silver from you. Well, I have the money. I was the one who took it. Judges 17:1-2( NLT)
You can already tell this story is starting weird. This isn’t like any of the other stories in Judges. Usually the Israelites turned their back on God and then an enemy, like the Amorites, came and God raised so and so to free them from their oppression. Now this is weird.
I want to give you a spoiler alert. The end of the story is awful. It’s bad. I’m just going to tell you right from the beginning. Prepare yourself. This story ends really badly and it starts right here. This is where we start going down the path of bad things happening. What is it showing us? It’s showing us that we have a very broken family.
When you have children stealing from their parents, you’ve got a problem. You’ve got a family that’s in disarray. You have a mother and a son that don’t have a good relationship. So here we’re looking at a broken family. And this is a tragedy because…
The family is the building block of everything.
It’s no surprise that a society goes downhill because the families are being slowly being destroyed. Families are important to the church. They’re important to society. They’re important to the world. If children are to be strong, parents need to be strong. If parents are to be strong, marriages need to be strong. If marriages are going to be strong, the individuals who make up that marriage need to be strong.
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