“This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, commands you. Call out 10,000 warriors from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulon at Mount Tabor, and I will call out Sisera, commander of Jabin’s army, along with his chariots and warriors, to the Kishon River. There I will give you victory over him.” Judges 4:6-7(NLT)
Can you imagine getting this message from God? God calls you and says, “hey, go get all these warriors. We’re about to go fight.” I grew up in New York, but I didn’t grow up in that part of New York, so I don’t know about fighting. I grew up in the suburbs. There were beaches. I didn’t grow up in the hood. So I don’t know about fighting. I don’t know about getting mugged. I don’t know about any of that stuff. To me, this sounds terrifying.
And here it makes me realize that the calling of God is a few things. First,
God’s calling is scary.
The calling of God on your life can be scary. You know why? Because God isn’t calling you to anything easy. God is calling you to something that’s challenging. In your eyes, it looks impossible. That’s what God is calling you to do. It’s going to seem like it can’t be done. But that’s what God is calling you to do. Also…
God calls us to fight.
The calling of God is a battle. God isn’t calling you to just be the person who comes to church, sits in the pew, comes every Saturday, every Sunday, every weekend, and just kind of enjoy singing and raising your hands and having some snacks and then going home. God is calling you to a fight. There are forces of evil that are trying to destroy us, and God is calling you to face those with everything you have, every spiritual weapon you have in your quiver and to go and fight.
And the hardest fight this is the fight inside of you. God is calling you to fight the evil inside of you. You have to look in the mirror and see the old man or the old woman and and crucify her, crucify him every day. That’s the fight that God is calling me to. And it’s challenging. But never forget, just like the calling that Barak received, that God guarantees the victory. The calling has a guaranteed victory at the end. Now, it doesn’t say that it’s going to be an easy fight. It doesn’t say that it’s going to be simple and that you’re just going to roll over the enemy. It just says you’re going to win. You’re going to have the victory. And no matter how impossible it seems, no matter how scary it is, no matter how hard the fight is, just know that the victory is guaranteed. It’s going to happen.
To hear Chaplain Milton share more on this topic click here: https://youtube.com/live/QMw3EsoC_Bk