There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but they serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us. 2 Corinthians 12:4-5 (NLT)
I find this fascinating. I find this very interesting. Paul is telling us a couple of things about spiritual gifts. First, he’s telling us that there are different kinds of gifts. And if you read the lists you will find that they are extensive. There’s different kinds of gifts. Here is the list of them from the Bible:
- Wisdom
- Knowledge
- Faith
- Healing miracles
- Prophecy
- Discerning of spirits
- Speaking in tongues
- Interpretation of tongues
- Service
- Teaching
- Encouragement
- Giving
- Leadership
- Kindness
- Apostles
- Evangelists
- Pastors
It’s a big list. And there are some theologians who think that the lists that are found in three different places in Scripture is not exhaustive. They think there’s even more gifts as we as we learn more about God, as we plug into God more and more.
But even though there are many gifts, let’s never forget that there’s only one source of gifts. They all come from the same place. So even though there’s different gifts, they should unite us in spirit because they all come from the same place. So when it comes to spiritual gifts, diversity and unity are expected.
Gifts shouldn’t divide us. Gifts should unite us because it doesn’t make sense that the spirit would give us all different gifts so that we could all go in different directions. And there would be one church that’s the prophecy church and there would be one another church that’s the speaking in tongues church. And there’s one church that’s the healing church. And then there’s one church that’s the kindness church. Shouldn’t all the gifts be in one place where the Spirit is? So if we believe that and if we buy that claim, then we are united in the Spirit.
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