We’ve all felt it, that “nudge.” It could be something as small as feeling that nudge to call an old friend who has been on your mind. Or perhaps one of those bigger nudges to go back to school, start that business you’ve always dreamed, or to be the first one to apologize after a fight–even though you’re sure YOU were right.
So often we ignore those nudges, but I always think of those as “God nudges.” God is trying to get our attention and direct us to an opportunity. You calling that friend or loved one who has been on your mind could be an opportunity to bless them. They may be going through a tough season or feeling lonely. You taking a moment to reach out could be a lifeline of hope and encouragement. That nudge to apologize first could be an opportunity for grace and healing to move in a relationship.
The next time you feel it, be obedient to it. It could open a door to one of the biggest blessings in your life. You never know what’s waiting on the other side of that nudge.