Even though you know it’s coming, you’re never quite ready for it. At least I wasn’t. My grandson King went on his first field trip…alone. Well, the other 15 kids in his first-grade class went, along with the teacher and her assistant, and 4 parent chaperones. But I wasn’t there, his mom wasn’t there, and his dad wasn’t there. He’s growing up, getting into big-boy territory, and it feels weird. When things in life change, it sometimes feels weird, but it’s necessary for growth.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Maybe you’ve been holding on to the old out of fear. When we try to hold on too tightly to “what was” we’re not embracing the new season and all of its beauty. New memories, new experiences, new joy in the new season. Hold on tight to the memories of the season you’re coming out of, memories that bring you comfort, smiles, accomplishment all that was good about it. Let that be the catalyst for excitement and anticipation for what God has in store next.