Thank you for being a part of our Fall Fundraiser! If you prayed or gave or both, we can’t thank you enough for your generosity. I’ll be honest, before I worked in Christian radio I would hear these fundraisers and turn the station. I’d check back periodically to see if the event had ended and it was safe to listen once again.
But, once I was on the inside and had a better picture of what was going on and why it’s so important, I got it. You’re not giving to a radio station, you’re supporting a music ministry and making it possible for the word of God to be broadcast to THOUSANDS. You’re literally making hope possible for those listening in prison cells, and hospital rooms, and cars where despair and hopelessness fill the air. The atmosphere is being filled up with songs and messages about the hope we have in Jesus, and about the abundant life He has for us all. You’re helping to make things like food giveaways and backpack drives and resources for the homeless and broken possible. YOU are being the hands and feet of Jesus. And for that, we are grateful.