Have you ever wondered why your dog eats grass? Researchers say they have a few ideas, but no hard evidence.
That being said, some of their speculations about why they do it seem strangely familiar to humans:
– Might need fiber
– Might induce vomiting to get rid of stuff causing a sick tum-time
– Might be bored (familiar?)
– Might like the taste
– Get satisfaction from the ripping down when they yank the grass out.
While there are a lot of “human” similarities with those dog habits, there is one trait that a dog does way better than us: love.
Those wonderful animals bond with us and join their hearts to ours. They’re always glad to see us with the wiggle-butt and lethal tail wags. They cuddle us when we’re sad. And they NEVER judge. That’s why there are so many dog people.
Join me in living more like a dog.