The grand gesture can be wonderful, but the little kindnesses thrill the soul.
The Godmans have five puppies who are still learning to sleep the night through in their crate. We have to take them potty a couple of times a night as well as getting up with them around 6am. It’s exhausting.
The exhaustion causes me to dread that first doggy whine. Then I hear it. Groan. I mutter something about tiny dogs with tinier bladders. I stumble down the hall to the living room and their crate. I let them outside for potties, herd them all back in to the crate, only to realize one has hidden from me back across the yard in a dark corner. When I finally have them back in bed, I turn to leave the room and hear whining and barking, but it seems so far way. That’s when I wake up, realizing I’ve dreamed the whole thing and now have to take them out for real.
So when I jolted awake the other morning and heard no whining dogs, I was certain I was having more delusions. But the clock says 7:20am. What?! So I took the dogs out. To you, it may sound like a small gesture, but to me, it was pretty grand.