I’ve heard online dating is a thing. Here is the little I know about it. People get on dating apps, enter their information, and are matched with people the app determines would be good for the person. At this point, the person is responsible for deciding which person to make a connection with. Through the app, the user accepts or rejects the recommendations. Imagine if this had to be done face-to-face.
I saw a video where this scenario was actually played out. A young man had to stand in front of 50 women and one by one had to either press a yes button or a no button. And this continued in different scenarios until he ultimately chose one. And every time he rejected one of the young ladies, he had to look her in the eye.
You know what if feels like to be rejected. It is an awful feeling. You also know what it feels like to have to end a relationship. That is also a very difficult thing to go through, for both parties. Rejection is never fun. Here is what we read about God in Psalm 94:14:
The LORD will not reject his people; he will not abandon his special possession.
This is great news! God isn’t in the rejection business. You may not feel great about yourself right now. You might have been battered and bruised. The world might have told you that you have little to no value. You may not feel like you deserve love. Just know this. God will never reject you. You are his special possession and all He wants to do is be with you. So no matter what is going on in your life today, remember how much God loves you.