The time of year is here when you’re either filled with excitement or dread. It’s tax day.
If you have two or three kids, you’re probably a bit thrilled because those beautiful young urchins really help knock that tax bill down. You may even get a fat refund check. Some very “scientific” research tells us that though most folks would like to spend the refund on fun stuff, they end up trying to dig out of the bill-hole.
Then there are people like me. People who are pretty certain there will be money we owe to Uncle Sam. This possibility causes low-grade anxiety that can suck the enjoyment from the best life moments. I’m fighting the darkness.
When the darkness descends, it’s time to look to the One who kicked the prince of darkness to the curb. Jesus says, “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” –Matthew 6:34 (MSG)
I imagine Jesus chuckling as he soothes the anxiety. Calms the inner turmoil. Because in the end, Jesus is bigger. Even then the IRS.