When you go to Costco, or really any store where buying furniture inside is an option, you will likely come across someone who made a decision in the store, not thinking about actually getting that large item in their vehicle and home.
Michelle didn’t buy furniture, but she did buy a Little Tikes car for the kids. When she got out to the parking lot, it was too big to fit into her sedan. A woman in the parking lot noticed her struggling and offered to put the little car in her minivan and follow her home. The relief that filled her face was immediate. Really? You would do that? She never forgot her kindness.
Two years later, when Michelle was driving her new truck and noticed someone struggling to fit patio furniture into their car. This time, Michelle was the one who got to help. Of course, she told her the Little Tikes story and that it was her pleasure to pay it forward. They loaded the furniture, and she followed her home. What started as a continuation of a kindness ended in a friendship as the two stayed in touch and are still friends 25 years later. You can change someone’s life today, even in just a small way.