There are times when a quote can stay stuck in your brain and cause you all kinds of spiritual and emotional problems. Here is the latest culprit in my struggle to be a disciple of Christ:
“Following Jesus is not about doing more but about doing less.”
John Mark Comer
At first this made no sense to me. I grew up in a conservative religious environment. My whole life–and the life of the rest of my family–was about doing, and doing more, and doing it perfectly. My brother and I had to perform our Christian duties, and the more the better. My parents served in many capacities in the church, from youth leaders, to elders, to treasurers. At the first opportunity my brother and I did our baptismal classes and got dunked. We got involved in the church choir, youth camps, and every service opportunity available to us.
And if I take time to reflect on where all that “doing” got me I will have to say not very far, at least spiritually. Many people were impressed with my level of dedication and service but I truly did not know how to connect with Jesus on a personal and intimate level, and it showed once I was out of the “churchy” environment.
So now I know better. At least I think I do because I still struggle to not make my relationship with God about doing more. I don’t appreciate John Mark Comer reminding me of my shortcomings. But I need the reminder.
And if I just take a moment to analyze what a relationship with God truly does, the author is completely correct. If I take my relationship with God seriously, it has no other choice but to grow. So I will have to make more room for it. I won’t have to add more things to do, I will have to subtract more things in my life to make room for what God will do in me.
I know this doesn’t sound like a fun concept, because you and I do so many good things, but are they “God” things? What a question. I will be taking time to answer this question and start the subtraction process. How about you?