As temperatures rise, we turn on the air conditioning, roll down the windows, buy a lot of popsicles and have our Stanley’s full of water and ice! What about the canine members of the family? We want to make sure they stay cool and safe as well. Be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion.
When your dog gets overheated, they may start panting heavily and you may start to see some foam in the corners of their mouth. They can get lethargic pretty quickly as well. If you notice any of these signs, make sure you cool them down with some water. Sure, the water in their bowl could use a few ice cubes, but the most effective way to cool your pup down, according to veterinarians, is to start with their paws. Use cold towels on their back paws to start the cooling down process.
If you are out and about with your dog, don’t leave them in the car. Not even for a few minutes. A car can turn into an oven faster than you think.
In the City of Boise, you are allowed to break a window to save a pet if you first call 911 and alert them that you have found an animal in distress. If you do this, stay with the animal until officers or animal control officials arrive.
At our house, we are making sure that Macy Jingle gets some good exercise in the morning, when it is cooler and have put an extra water bowl outside to make sure she has access all the time.
Enjoy the summer with your pup and use these ideas to stay safe and cool.